Resource Center
Below are a selection of Books, Articles, Websites, Exercises and Recordings
directed to the study and practice of mindfulness in law.
Begley, S., Train You Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential To Transform Ourselves. (Ballantine Books, 2007).
Calloway, D., Becoming a Joyful Lawyer: Contemplative Training in Non-Distraction, Empathy, and Emotional Wisdom (2012).
Halpern, C., Making Waves and Riding the Currents. (Berrett-Koehler, 2008).
Kabat-Zinn, J., Wherever You Go, There You Are (Hyperion, 1994).
Kauffman, G., The Lawyer's Guide to Balancing Life & Work: Taking the Stress Out of Success (ABA, 2006).
Keeva, S., Transforming Practices: Finding Joy and Satisfaction in the Legal Life. (Contemporary Books, 1999).
Noreuil, C., The Zen of Passing the Bar Exam (Carolina Academic Press, 2011)
Rogers, S., Mindfulness for Law Students: Using the Power of Mindfulness to Find Balance & Success in Law School (Mindful Living Press, 2009).
Schimel, A., Law School Success: A Guide to Better Grades (Carolina Academic Press, 2012).
Click here for a more complete listing of books.
Allen, S., “Move From Being a Mindfulness Lawyer to a Mindful Lawyer.” The Complete Lawyer (2008).
Hyman, J. P., "The Mindful Lawyer: Mindfulness Meditation and Law Practice." Vermont Bar Journal. (2007).
Larkin-Wong, K., "A Newbie's Impression: One Student's Mindfulness Lessons" 61 J. Legal. Educ. 665 (2012).
Magee, R., "Educating Lawyers to Meditate?", 79 UMKC L. Rev. 535, 554–55 (2011).
Riskin, L., "The Contemplative Lawyer: On the Potential Contributions of Mindfulness Meditation to Law Students, Lawyers, and their Clients," 7 Harvard Negotiation Law Review 1-66 (2002).
Reuben, R., "Bringing Mindfulness into the Classroom: A Personal Journey," 61 J. Legal. Educ. 674 (2012).
Silver, M., "Humanism Goes to Law School," 28 Touro L. Rev. 1141 (2012).
Symposium, Mindfulness in Law and ADR, 7 Harv. Negot. L. Rev. 1 (2002).
Rogers, S., “Mindfulness Matters,” Dade County Bar Association, Bulletin (Nov. 2011)
Zeglovich, R. The Mindful Lawyer, GPSolo Magazine (2006).
Click here for a more more complete listing of articles.
The Mindful Lawyer Conference
Center for Mindfulness
Mindfulness in Law
Miami Law Mindfulness in Law Program
Berkeley Initiative for Mindfulness in Law
Mindfulness in Law Task Force
Institute for Mindfulness Studies
Neuroscience and Conflict Resolution
Click here for a more complete listing of websites.
--Justice Breyer: Seeking Serenity (exercise at end of article)
--Scott Rogers Guides a “Jurisight” Mindfulness Practice: “The Just Is Holmes”
--Professor Scott Rogers guides the “Jurisight” practice, “Order in the Cortex”
--Professor Leonard Riskin Guides a 45 Minute Mindfulness Practice
--Professor Charlie Halpern leads a Chi Gong Practice
A collection of articles, audio and video recordings from the 2010 Mindful Lawyer Conference can be found by clicking here.